If you are picking up a coffee vibe here, then there is a good reason - I like coffee. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to help my blood pressure, so I have to mostly just dream about coffee. OK, maybe one cup a day I can do.
My name is David McLure. I am a software guy who likes to dabble. I have a company called Cyber Seagull LLC which is where I do my dabbling these days. Check out the website: and report back right away with any sort of useful information. because it probably needs more work.
So, crypto currency. Why not? Distributed ledger on the block chain. What could go wrong? I have been dabbling in the design of a new crypto currency for years called "databuck" so I finally got around to creating a web site where this crypto currency might actually come to life - given some hard work, some interested investors, and a little luck.
Enough about me, let's hear from you. What brings you to databuck,com? Be sure to visit the Contact page to get onboard this rocket ship before it BLASTS OFF!